My Lenten Journey … praying with my feet

St. Jean, the starting point

My Lenten Journey … praying with my feet.

This Lent my journey will take me along the Camino de Santiago. I won’t be able to be there physically but I will be there in prayer. I have chosen to relive my walk of 1000 miles, step by step…a journey I took during the summer of 2018. I feel called to revisit these steps, revisit these lessons and share them with you my fellow pilgrims.

Of course, I wanted to start revisiting this journey on Ash Wednesday, but due to a virus called COVID, I had to delay my Lenten prayer walk. This delay fits perfectly into our Camino because you never know what life will hand you as you walk the miles, much like our walk of faith in ordinary life. But trusting in Our Lord and accepting the paths which are shown is always a faith filled journey.

I am fine, blessed to say it was a mild case. Now I am eager and ready to begin this journey with you. But first a little reminder. As we walk these forty days of prayer, let us remember to keep everyone in our prayers who is in need of healing. Together, let us offer prayers for healing in the body, mind and spirit. Healing of all diseases. Imagine the power of those prayers offered together for the needs of our loved ones and the world. These will be an amazing and big prayer but remember nothing is impossible with God! So, let’s put on our walking shoes and make this Camino Lenten journey together.

Follow me for daily posts as we walk from St. Jean to Santiago. And then we will pick up our feet during Holy Week…walking the Jesus Trail in Israel.

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