Twelve Lucky Grapes: A New Year’s Eve Tradition in Spain

It’s crazy to think we have had two not-so-great years worldwide. Two years of ups and downs, of confusion, of concerns, of craziness. Those years are behind us now and we must try and look forward to the future with hope and optimism. Even though …

On my way … Day 16 …Fromista to Carrion de los Condes

Camino marker with poppies

Monday, May 27, 2018 … 20 km … 12 miles  We only had 4 extra pilgrims in our room last night and one of them was snoring very loudly. It was the first time for me to really hear snoring at night. I woke up a …

On my way … Day 12 … Ages to Burgos

Burgos Cathedral

Thursday, May 24, 2018, 24 kms … 15 miles … Cloudy and Cool “Our love should not be just words and talk; it must be true love, which shows itself in action.” ~ John the Apostle  Today was an exciting day but also a sad day. …

On my way … Day 11 … Belorado to Ages

Ages, Spain

Wednesday, May 23rd, 28 kms… 18 miles… rain!  After a great night sleep, I awoke ready to go and excited for the day! What will it hold for me? On the Camino every morning is exciting. Same walk, new experiences.   Wait, shouldn’t that be …

On my way … Day 9 Ventosa to Santo Domingo

Camino near Santo Domingo

30 kms … 18 miles, Sunny, hot with a little rain.  Sunrise Since today was going to be long day, we decided to leave early. So, we headed out right at sunrise. It was beautiful, another favorite of mine, starting at sunrise or just before. I love watching …

On my way … Day 7 – Los Arcos to Logroño

Saturday, May 19th … Sunny and warm … 30 kms … 19 miles* *Some of you might be wondering why most guidebooks say this stage is 27kms, 17 miles. That is the distance just following the path. We include the elevation adjustment. This is the actual …

On my way … Day 3 Zubiri to Pamplona

Camino horse

Tuesday, May 15, 2018, Temp 50’s … Zubiri to Pamplona … 23 kms … 15 miles  Blessed are you, pilgrim, if what concerns you most is not to arrive, as to arrive with others. ~ Beatitudes of the pilgrim Last night was my best sleep. Could …