Things seem a bit crazy right now. I am not sure about you, but it seems everyone I speak to is going through their own trials. Trials due to health, work, money, family and etc… I was just speaking to a small group of women and every one of them was feeling like they were having a string of bad luck. Each one walking through their own valley. Each one had their own worries, myself included. We all agreed to be praying for each other because we knew that was the best gift we could give each other.
I think every one of us reading this has something on our mind. Something we are concerned about. We pray, we hand it over to God and we trust. But sometimes, it’s hard. Easier said than done. So no matter what you’ve got going on in your life. Whether you feel strong in your faith or your faith feels empty and weak. Remember, no matter what, God is still God and his love for you stays the same.

Don’t give up because you’re feeling down and you feel your prayers are being unanswered. Remember what God has in store for you is way better than what you can imagine. Don’t give up. God hasn’t given up on you, so neither should you. Keep your head up high. Try to keep your eyes open to God’s goodness even when you feel like all you want to do is close them. Keep your heart surrendered even when you feel like closing it off to the world.
Your faith doesn’t have to be perfect to be real faith.
Remember, no matter what, God is still God and his love for you stays the same.
Let us Pray!