On my way … Day 14 … Hornillos del Camino to Castrojeriz

san anton

Saturday, May 26th … 20 kms … 13 miles   After such a wet day, the beds were amazing last night. It was especially nice being in a room with 6 beds. It only took 13 days for me to learn that when you arrive at …

On my way … Day 13 … Burgos to Hornillos del Camino

Camino Marker

Friday, May 25, 2018 … 21 kms … 13 miles, Heavy rain and cold  Summary of the day and thoughts:  Today is the day, our first walk in the Meseta. The Meseta is the middle part of the Camino. The mental section between the cities …

On my way … Day 9 Ventosa to Santo Domingo

Camino near Santo Domingo

30 kms … 18 miles, Sunny, hot with a little rain.  Sunrise Since today was going to be long day, we decided to leave early. So, we headed out right at sunrise. It was beautiful, another favorite of mine, starting at sunrise or just before. I love watching …