Madonna in the Pyrenees

Something starts to stir within as you walk along the winding road through the Pyrenees making your way to Roncevalles. The 360° views and the sounds of the sheep and cowbells transport you back in time.

As you walk you can feel the prayers of all those who have trodden this historical and spiritual path before you. Before reaching the top you have the opportunity to see a little history, some beautiful history. Don’t miss the statue of the Virgin of Orisson; Vierge de Biakorri.

Our Lady sits off to the left atop a pile of rocks at the highest point. Make sure you stop and take a moment, say a prayer, and be present! Remember you are walking across the Pyrenees along the Camino de Santiago.

Legend says Shepherds brought the ceramic statue of Mary from Lourdes, also in the Pyrenees. She is a patroness and protector of shepherds and their sheep as well as all who pass on this mountaintop.

Two decades ago, the stand of stones was split by lightning, but the statue held firm and was unharmed.

This is just one little story of prayer and faith along the Camino, walk with us and experience your own prayer, faith, and love!

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