Tuesday, June 12, 2018 … 27 km … 17 miles
“Explore daily the will of God.”
C.G. Jung
Today’s Path
The path today is full of ups and downs. All along dirt paths, pavement, and gravel. A beautiful day full of little villages and plenty of cafes.
Leaving Portomarin

We headed out early and stopped at a café in town. It was small and crowded so we moved on. It was early, I think we are leaving ahead of the crowds. The air was crisp and cool. First day in shorts for me in a while, it was supposed to warm up today. My legs felt the chill in the air.
The clattering of our walking sticks was our music as we left town and headed back over the bridge.
After crossing the bridge, we started up our first incline for the day definitely not our last. We didn’t leave before the crowds, we just left right after them, we slowly started catching the pilgrims.
We were all quiet just making our way up the hill. I fell into prayer and had a little morning meditation.
I had told everyone about the café in Gonzar. A nice little café on the side of the road with a great breakfast. The last stretch to Gonzar is along the road. Minh was twirling his walking stick ahead of me on the road. I kept yelling, Car! Minh! “move over!” He was making me nervous.
As we approached the café it was crowded but well worth the wait. They are quick in here, I kept saying. We found a table and then all our other pilgrim friends started walking in. What a breakfast, fried eggs, bacon, and toast!

After breakfast, we kept going. That is what you do along the Camino. Ultreia … Go beyond.
We strolled along the roads enjoying each other’s company. Having to maneuver through the crowds at times but it was all good. We haven’t seen the school kids today. Not sure if they are still walking.
Today was nice, just a nice day with nice weather. Plenty of laughter, prayer time and great conversations. Also, plenty of breaks and snacks. We walked most of the day with our original group and Tim, Rodney, Tomce and Daniel.
We had called ahead and reserved our beds for the night, we had 10 beds reserved in one room.
The day dragged on and my feet started hurting. Not that anything was different from any other day. It never fails during the last 2-3 miles; my feet start aching. It’s a mental thing. I know it. I always say it’s like when you are driving and you get close to home and all of a sudden you have to go to the bathroom really bad. The same thing, my brain knows we are close and decides to tell my feet, hey guys you are almost done, so they start aching. Yes, this is my brain thinking as I silently walk.
As we were walking we came to a field. A field that I had just walked past a month ago as we were leading a group. Amazed that the flowers were gone and the next crop was planted. Here is the picture in May and now June 12th.
Katie, Denise, and I in May The same field in June!
We were all ready to get to town. Bodies were aching and feet were tired, but it is amazing how quickly your body recovers after a hot shower and time to rest.
Palas de Rei
The final stretch into town is a long straight road. It’s downhill but it seems to last a while. As we made our way down this road, our spirits were high because we knew we were close and it was pretty early.
We arrived and checked into our Hostel.
Our Hostel: San Marcos, 71 beds, 10 Euros … we had a private room with 10 bunk beds/bathroom.
It was a nice room. Just all of us in one room. The fun part was sharing one bathroom for ten people. If we needed to we could go into the other part of the Hostel and use the big bathroom. But fortunately, we all worked well together and made a plan.
After showering and resting, I headed over to the church to see about Mass. Just missed it, they were letting out as I arrived. I snuck in and had a little quiet time.
The hostel had a kitchen so we all decided to cook. Time to go to the grocery store, Dia here we come.

Of course, we did the multi-tasking of cooking and doing our laundry at the same time. Again, being in the group, we were able to gather our clothes and share the cost of the washer and dryer. Hand-washed clothes just don’t smell as good as clothes out of the washer and dryer.
Our dinner of beans and rice was perfect. It was only surpassed by the company.
My Journal:
Tuesday, June 12th … 27 km … 17 miles
Cloudy, cool, light mist.
Today was a good day. There were crowds throughout the day. We walked most of the day with Tim, Rodney, Daniel, and Tomce. Along with my original family of Luca, Natalie, Minh, and Sue.
Due to the crowds, we went ahead and reserved some beds for tomorrow. We are supposed to call them by lunch tomorrow to confirm we will be there. We had spoken to the baby family in town and we called for all of us. 18 beds! This was almost the complete hostel, so we told them we would call tomorrow to confirm. Now let’s just hope they hold the beds.
As I sat in church, I was contemplating the end of the pilgrimage. Wow! Only three more days and we will walk into Santiago. That’s crazy! So much has happened and so much to be thankful for. That’s it, the remaining days are days of thanksgiving! I have always been thankful, Lord, but during these last few days, let me be more mindful of being grateful and walk in thanksgiving.
Thank you, God
Thank you, God, for this life, for my body, for my family, for my friends and loved ones, for this opportunity, for walking the Camino, and for our safety and health along this journey. May I walk in gratitude and humility and may I share this with others. My hope is my gratitude and humility will send signals to all who I meet. Thank you, God, for the opportunity to be of service. May I be aware that I am connected to something larger than life itself, thank you, thank you, thank you, God!
Buen Camino and Namaste!
I love the word, Namaste. It means “bow to you” may the divine within me bow to the divine within you. So beautiful because God is within all of us!
What are you thankful for today?
Are you planning a Camino?
Not sure if you want to walk it alone or with a group?
Let us help you walk your dream … the world will be opening up again, are you ready?
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