The Canticle of Brother Sun

Also known as The Canticle of the CreaturesBy St. Francis of Assisi Most High, all-powerful, good Lord,all praise is yours, all glory, all honor,and all blessing. To you, alone, Most High, do they belong.No mortal lips are worthy to pronounce your name. All praise be …

Way of St. Francis: The Sacred Mountain of La Verna

La Verna Italy

“In 1213 Count Orlando Catani of Chiusi gave Francis a mountainous parcel of land called La Verna to use as a place of retreat. Tucked into the wilderness east of Florence, La Verna features a solitary peak, known as Monte Penna, and is covered with …

Walking with St. Francis

BY Gretel Ehrlich | MAY 1, 2000 Gretel Ehrlich walks in the footsteps of St. Francis through the Umbrian countryside and ponders the life of a saint who was “radical without bitterness, vital yet gentle, dramatic—even outrageous at times—without narcissism.” The road to Gubbio veers north …